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Studiotrope was commissioned by the Pueblo City County Library District to design and implement their Branch Enhancement Project, which made various upgrades and enhancements to Barkman, Lamb, Pueblo West and Rawlings. As part of this project, we designed custom service points, integrated Automatic Materials Handling into each branch and designed a branded "Power Wall" graphic to cohesively tie the District together.
Upon the Branch Enhancement Project's successful completion, studiotrope was once again selected to reinvision the 2nd floor of the Rawlings branch and bring it into alignment with the the earlier Enhancement Project. As part of this project, we redesigned the layout, reconfigured shelving to increase sight lines, designed a safe and flexible teen space, replaced carpet, updated paint, finishes and furnishings. We also integrated branding into environmental graphics to create different levels of privacy, updated shelving signage and address wayfinding.
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